The formulas and functions in your files should continue to work as long as you’re copying the files internally.

How to Copy an Entire Excel File (Workbook)

In case you don’t already know, a workbook is an Excel file with one more worksheets. There are various ways to make copies of your workbooks. For example, you can get Excel to open a copy of your workbook, use Excel’s Save As option to duplicate your spreadsheet, or use your computer’s file manager to make a copy of your entire workbook.

Open the Workbook as a Copy in Excel

Excel allows you to launch your workbooks as a copy, so your original files remain untouched. Any changes you make to the workbook are saved in the copied file, independent of the original spreadsheet.

You’re free to make changes to your workbook, as those won’t reflect in your original spreadsheet.

Use Excel’s Save As Option

Excel’s Save As option allows you to create a copy of your currently-open workbook, retaining any changes you’ve made to the file. Unless you’ve used Excel’s Save option to save your changes, your changes will only reflect in the new file you’ll create.

Use File Manager

One way to make a copy of your Excel workbook without opening the app is by using your computer’s file manager. You can use File Explorer on Windows and Finder on Mac to make duplicates of your Excel spreadsheets.

You can make a copy of your workbook in the same folder as the original file. In this case, follow the above steps, and your file manager will name your copied file accordingly.

How to Create a Copy of an Entire Worksheet in a Workbook

Worksheets are the sub-sheets you see in your Excel spreadsheets. You’ll find your workbook’s multiple worksheets in Excel’s bottom bar. Copying a worksheet is as easy as using the drag-and-drop method, context menu option, Excel ribbon option, or traditional copy-and-paste method. Here are all those ways for you.

Using Drag and Drop

Drag-and-drop is the easiest way to make a copy of your worksheet in your workbook.

Using Context Menu

If the drag-and-drop method isn’t convenient, use an option in Excel’s context menu (right-click menu) to duplicate your worksheets.

Ensure you turn on the Create a copy box, or Excel will move your worksheet instead of copying it.

Using the Excel Ribbon

Excel’s ribbon menu also offers an option to copy and move your worksheets in your workbooks.

Using the Copy and Paste Option

The traditional way to copy items has been to copy and paste your data manually. You can use this to copy your worksheets as well, and here’s how to do that. Note: Replace Ctrl with Command in the following keyboard shortcuts on a Mac.

Save a Copy of Your Workbook From Excel for Web

You can create a copy of your workbook using Excel’s online version and save the copied file to your computer.

Various Ways to Duplicate Your Excel Workbooks and Worksheets

Excel offers various ways to help you make copies of your workbooks and worksheets. Use the method convenient for you to duplicate anything before committing to major changes to those files. We hope the guide helps you copy your spreadsheets, so you can start modifying your files without fearing messing things up.

How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 51How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 86How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 16How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 87How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 81How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 69How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 1How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 76How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 76How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 27How to Make a Copy of an Excel Worksheet or Workbook - 5